- Annual Application Fee (1 per family):
- $125 (new families)
- $30 (returning families)
- Monthly family Membership Fee:
- $30/month (families with 1-2 middle school or high school students)
- $50/month (families with 3 or more middle school or high school students).
- An enrollment fee of $100 applies to each class, payable at time of enrollment. Enrollment is for the year.
- Tuition for each proctored class is
- $100/month for nine months for 3.5 hour classes, starting August 1st and ending April 1st (less than $9 per hour of proctored class time) – or –
- $50/month for nine months for 2 hour classes, with payment starting August 1st and ending April 1st.
- A 15% discount is available for those who pay for a class in full at the time of enrollment. Tuition is pro-rated for those who join after the first week of class.
- Some scholarships are available.
Standard Family Membership: $150*
- Fee covers references checks, application interview, general supplies, and facility maintenance.
- Membership provides access to all Bible studies, service projects, social events and speakers, and other services for age-appropriate family members. Small fee will apply to socials, speakers, and some events.
*50% discount applies for families of full-time pastors and first responders
All-in-One Bucket Family Membership: $300
- Includes all benefits of standard family membership, plus admission to all on-site, age-appropriate Bible studies, service projects, social events, speakers, and other services.
Basic Start-Up Consultation with Referrals
- Free of charge, please call for appointment (Eventually covered by 501c3)
Start-up Consultation Package
- Two-hour initial conversation
- An appointment with graduation plan/transcript/high school resume’ advisor
- Fully personalized graduation plan,
- Two, one hour follow-up consultations.
- $500
Basic Support, Prayer, or Feedback Appointment:
- Free of charge, please call for appointment (Eventually covered by 501c3)
Proctored Classes/Study Groups:
- 4 -6 students per class/study group
- 30 weeks of classes, 3 ½ hrs/wk, for a total of 105 hours of small group class time and weekly homework guidance
- Proctor responsible for walking through All of the material during the study group time.
- Mom retains grading responsibility and the responsibility to initiate contact with proctor regarding progress or concerns.
- $900 per class; May be paid monthly ($100/month), 15% discount if paid in full